Opening Night

This blog has officially been opened! Come one come all, see what it means for Sir Jeremy dancealot to be a webhead. This blog is being created as part of a class - Integrating Technology into the Curriculum-a class this semester at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The first part of this semester we will be participating in the TESOL EVO online conference particularly the "Becoming a Webhead" session. I am also participating in a session dealing with using drama in the language classroom-but that is not the subject here. These sessions are many weeks long requiring participants to do different things- and so we will see what exactly it means to be a webhead. This blog will serve as a place of sweet reflection on the topic. This blog will also hopefully make it past the conference and be a place for all many other CALL reflections. The time is now, the time is ripe for revolution!!
Now before I close for today, how about a little bit about me as a learner? (It's part of the assignment) Well I like to do. Don't just tell me something. I'm not a spunge. While some people are spunges, I'm not. I am a quick learner if I can have time to just play around with something myself- guided tours are not my thing. However, if I have a guide along with me who is just there when I want, and can give me some direction, I find that very helpful. I am a Kinestetic learner, I am among those students who teachers worried about. People thought I was ADHD, because I have trouble staying still for more than 10 minutes at a time. I like dancing.


Hi, Jeremy.

I just input a comment for the first installment on your very interesting blog and both previewed and "published" it, but it seems not to have been posted, so I'll try again.

I find your brand-new blog appealing because of its visual interest: it makes me want to read through your thoughts and to interact through establishing at least a dialog. Also, since you note that you're a kinesthetic learner, I look forward to seeing what you will add to the blog to make it more than static text and graphics on a page.

In addition, the beginnings of your website show promise (since you showed your initial plans for format and content).

Keep up the good work and good luck in applying Web 2.0 tools to your computer-mediated teaching and learning!


Dennis in Phoenix

January 17, 2008 at 5:37 AM  

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