Adventure Video Project

I thought I would mention a project I am working on. The original inspiration for this project came from the "Choose your Own Adventure" books which I read as a boy. These are books in which the reader is able to participate in making decisions in the story. For example, the reader will be reading and comes to a page where an essential plot decision must be made. If you choose decision A you might go to page 23, decision B would send you to page 132, and decision C to page 45, for example. You continue reading the story, occasionally having to make similar decisions until your character either dies, or completes the adventure-be it a successful completion or not.

This project uses a similar idea but with the twist of digital video and web authoring. Language students have the opportunity to participate in the whole process from conception to micropublishing. Students use all four language skills actively in a fun and challenging project. In this site I have outlined the steps required to succeed in this project, along with pedagogical reasons behind the project, screen shots when possible, I have also created a sample adventure video which you can click through to below.

CLICK! :) Link to the project
CLICK! :) Link to sample adventure video


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